how to figure out shoe size at home
The past few years have seen a huge rise in the popularity of online shopping. This trend has brought us such gems as “Buy It For Life” and “you might also like…” sections, with shoes being no exception. If you are looking for a way to figure out your shoe size without spending any money on shoes, this article will help.
First things first, let me say that there is nothing wrong with spending money on shoes if it means you are going to get something that you really love and feel confident when wearing them! In fact, I personally regularly shop at high-end stores like Macy's or Nordstroms because of the quality products they carry.
However, I definitely know the feeling of shopping for shoes and not being sure what size you are. Let me tell you a little backstory about this whole shoe size thing.
Some of you might already realize it, but for those who haven't, I'll tell you:
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I have come across many people over the years who are unsure about their shoe size. They think that what they are wearing is the right size, but when it comes to taking shoes off at night, they find that the shoes they bought last year definitely don't fit anymore and their feet feel like they are swimming in them. Sometimes they end up with really painful blisters because they mistakenly ordered a pair that was too small.
I used to be one of those people. I would go out and buy shoes that I thought were the right size, or ask the clerk at the store to measure my feet and tell me what size I was, but somehow every summer I would get new sandals that didn't fit as well as they did in the winter.
I always assumed it was because my feet grew during the summer season and so I would just have to keep buying new pairs. But… wrong!
It turned out that my feet weren't growing – my shoes were shrinking! That's why I started keeping track of shoe sizes from year to year so that when summer rolled around again, things wouldn't be a guessing game anymore.
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I'm also a blogger, which means I have to get the right shoes in order to take the best photos. You need to see what I'm going to talk about in this article, so I decided to save myself a little money by developing my own shoe size formula.
I've been wearing the same size for years and so I know what sizes are supposed to fit me. But now that summer is here, it's time for me to get new sandals because my current ones don't fit anymore.
After some math and number crunching, I have found out that my foot length has been getting 1.36% longer every year!
Bummer, right?
But also really useful – thanks to this article, everyone else can benefit from my hard work!
This is a foot length calculator that you can use to figure out your shoe size at home. It's never been easier. Hopefully it will help you understand how your feet are changing so that you can find out what size shoes fit you best. Also, the more comfortable your shoes are (i.e.
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