how to figure out shoe size at home
The past few years have seen a huge rise in the popularity of online shopping. This trend has brought us such gems as “Buy It For Life” and “you might also like…” sections, with shoes being no exception. If you are looking for a way to figure out your shoe size without spending any money on shoes, this article will help. First things first, let me say that there is nothing wrong with spending money on shoes if it means you are going to get something that you really love and feel confident when wearing them! In fact, I personally regularly shop at high-end stores like Macy's or Nordstroms because of the quality products they carry. However, I definitely know the feeling of shopping for shoes and not being sure what size you are. Let me tell you a little backstory about this whole shoe size thing. Some of you might already realize it, but for those who haven't, I'll tell you: Image source: I have come across many people over the years who ar...